Nerdsense Corner Pub – Episode 3 Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
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In this installment of The Corner Pub, the guys met up to share a beer and talk about The Old Guard, money making franchises, unintentionally (?) sour stouts, and more. Plus it’s the debut of our new theme song. Check it out and let us know what you think. Cheers! Play in new window […]
This is the pilot episode of the Corner Pub. Shaun, Kyle, and Mike met up for a few drinks and some conversation. They bounce around from food, to TMNT comics, to internet comedians, to comic book movies, to the Mandalorian. It’s easy, breezy, and fun, the way a trip to the Corner Pub should be. […]
In honor of achieving 500 YouTube subscribers, we decided to kick it old school and record a podcast for the first time in like seventeen years. We spend the entire time reminiscing about the humble start of Nerdsense, recording on an iPad in a kitchen, all the way to where we are now, using a […]
Mike and Shaun get all skypey on the morning of Christmas Eve tell you about the last 2 episodes of Titans Season 1! Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
Nerdsense is back with another podcast. It’s like old times! We went to see Aquaman with Josh on his birthday, and we’re gonna tell you all about it. It’s more drunken hijinks while we go over James Wan’s latest film and how we thought Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Willem Dafoe, Patrick Wilson, etc did in […]
No birds or aliens this week folks! Shaun and Mike jump on skype to record Episode 117 to discuss Titans Episode 9, Hawk and Dawn! Beer Trillium Pom Pom Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
Listen as Shaun and Mike dish on the last two episodes of Titans! Robin and Starfire mass murder a bunch of people and new glimpses of the batmobile plus Wonder Girl! All and more in this weeks episode of Nerdsense! Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
Two Robins and a batmobile!? Check out Nerdsense Ep 115 for all the details on Titans episodes 5 and 6! Beers Heist Mango Burst North Coast BBA Old Rasputin XX Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
Mike and Shaun get together again to watch Titans. We watch it lights off! Will Raven’s antics this week cause Mike and Shaun’s fold out chairs to move closer to each other?! Hit play and find out how deep their hands go into the tub of popcorn! Beers Other Half & Crak – Panna, Fragole, […]