Episode 19 – Are your ears Thor?

In our first episode of 2015 we are joined by regular guest extraordinaire, Jason as well his good friend, Scott. Scott is apparently an actual fan of the show. Let that one sink in…we have a real listener and reader of this thing. Not sure who I’m typing to here so….Hi Mike, Jason and Scott!

Anyways…we discuss the new Avengers trailer, Spiderman in the MCU rumors, Ant Man and Agent Carter. As always, we deviate from the set topics and dive into the great blue deep of Nerdsense!



Innis & Gunn Original Oak Aged Beer – http://innisandgunn.com/our-beers/favourites/original/

Do Can Premier Russian Imperial Stout – http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/32205/149998/ & http://docanbrewery.com/year-round/

Nerdsense Heifeweizen – https://untappd.com/b/nerdsense-hefeweizen/906828

Koda Brewing Instant Crush – https://untappd.com/b/koda-brewing-co-instant-crush/933755

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