Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #211 Wise Man Bohemian Twist

Crowlers rule. Shaun brought this bad boy back from NC. Check out Wise Man if you’re in the area!

Style: Wheat IPA
Container: 32oz Crowler
Glassware: Flutes
Notes: Our non-conformist ale is the lovechild of American Wheat and IPA styles. Hopped-up with Citra and Galaxy, a bevy of stone and citrus fruit accentuates a soft and bready body.(5.5%)
Rating: 4.25/5

Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #210 Other Half Triple Cream

Triple Cream in our mouths! There’s a joke in there somewhere!

Style: Imperial IPA (TIPA)
Container: 16oz Can
Glassware: Nerdsense Snifters
Notes: ! We then hopped it with Wai-iti, Kohatu, Ekuanot, and Citra. This was followed by a triple dry hopping, including an all Galaxy hop final dry hop and tons of Citra lupulin powder in the second dry hop(10%)
Rating: 4.75/5

Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #208 Other Half & The Veil Coir Boiz

Other Half and The Veil got together and made a Double IPA with Coconut!

Style: Double IPA
Container: 16oz Can
Glassware: Nerdsense Snifters
Notes: tribute to hops and the connection between coconuts and hop farming. Hops are trellised with coir fiber rope which is made from coconut husk fiber so we decided to make an IPA with Citra and Nelson Sauvin hops aged on 400 lbs of coconut. (8%)
Rating: 4/5

Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #207 Hoof Hearted Dragonsaddle

Dragonsaddle by the folks at Hoof Hearted! What did we think of it!? Did we hate it like The Beerdiful thought or did we suck it’s dick!? Watch and find out!

Style: Triple IPA
Container: 16oz Can
Glassware: Trillium The Streets Glasses
Notes: The flavor profile is full-on drippingly ripe tropical fruits: Mango, guava, papaya, and citrus. Juicy, refreshing, and deceptive(11.5%)
Rating: 4.25/5

Nerdsense Drinks Reviews -#206 Industrial Arts & C.I.A Zesty Enterprise vs Night Shift Rose

Battle Beers! Peppercorn saison vs Peppercorn saison!

Cheers to No Hype Beer Reviews for sending us the Industrial Arts & C.I.A collabeeration!

Style: Saison
Container: 16oz Can
Glassware: Snifters
Notes: Rose: Saison brewed with rosemary, rose hips and pink peppercorns. (7.6%)
Zesty Enterprise: Meyer lemon zest, pink peppercorns and rose hips amplify the already spicy character as this beer washes over your palate. (5.6%)
Rating: Rose 4.25/5 Zesty Enterprise 4/5

Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #205 Treehouse Hold Onto Sunshine

We’ve got some HOTS!!

Style: Coffee Milk Stout
Container: 16oz Can
Glassware: Treehouse Teku’s
Notes: rich and delicious stout intended to be savored and enjoyed as we enter the cool Autumn months here in New England. Brewed with Pale and Chocolate malts, Lactose, Coffee, Cacao, and Peanut Butter, it exhibits notes of rich milk chocolate, dark brown sugar, creamy espresso, and chocolate covered peanut butter cups.. (7.6%)

Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #203 Trillium & The Veil Adult Human

Trillium and the Veil teamed up again! How does it fair?

Style: DIPA
Container: 16oz Can
Glassware: Trillium The Streets Glasses
Notes: Adult Human leads with a dank, tropical nose. Flavors of papaya, orange creamsicle and zesty grapefruit wash across the pallet. A subtle ripe sweetness from the blood oranges is balanced by a clean, crisp finish and moderate carb. (8.2%)
Rating: 3.5/5