Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #152 Treehouse Alter Ego

We’ve got the Hyde to Julius’s Jekyl. Julius dry hopped with Mosaic and Amarillo!

Style: IPA
Container: 16oz Can
Glassware: Treehouse Teku’s
Notes: What we did here is we took a whole bunch of Mosaic and Amarillo hops, a classic punch of citrus purveying goodness, and added them to the Julius dry hop. The base beer is exactly the same, but the dry hop is altered tremendously. (6.8%)
Rating: 4.5/5

Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #150 Night Shift Morph #50 05/30/2017

It’s Morph batch #50! Mike and I  recorded our review onsite the day it was released! Can’t get much fresher than that. Minus a few planes, this is definitely our best off site video to date.

Style: IPA
Container: Draft
Glassware: Pub Glass
Notes: Citra, Waimea, and Idaho 7 hops; brewed with oats. Notes of grapefruit pith (4.5%)
Rating: 4.25/5

Nerdsense – Episode 104 – CWDCTVU Wrap Up

After another self imposed hiatus, we are back to give our thoughts on the most important nerdy news, like Zack Snyder’s sudden withdrawal from the upcoming Justice League film, and our mini-review of Guardians of the Galaxy.

The meat of the episode, however, is our pseudo-retrospective on the latest seasons of CW’s DC roster, Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow.

We give you our opinions as a whole, which was our favorite, what we thought worked best, what maybe didn’t work so well, etc. It’s a can’t miss if you’re a fan of DC and Marvel film and movie properties. Cheers!



Night Shift Cow Tipper

Hoof Hearted Tickling Ivories

Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #149 Fieldwork Pulp Free

You guys may remember our review of FieldWork Pulp from a couple months back. It blew our minds. Well, it blew Shaun’s mind. Mike still really like it. This is their West Coast version of it, Pulp Free!

Style: IPA
Container: 16oz Can
Glassware: Nerdsense Snifers Snifters
Notes:High bitterness, excessive dryness, and the same over-the-top dry-hopping of Citra hops deliver the expected Fieldwork flavor profile and explosive aroma in a San Diego package. The abundance of Citra hops create an aggressive aroma that smells like a drive through a citrus orchard in peak of season, with notes of fresh orange, yellow grapefruit, and juicy sweet mango trekking from the first sniff to the last sip.(6.9%)
Rating: 4/5

Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #148 Treehouse Bright

It’s another Bright day at Nerdsense HQ. We reviewed Treehouse’s Bright with Citra a few weeks back and we finally got to try OG Bright! Watch to find out our thoughts!

Style: DIPA
Container: 16oz Can
Glassware: Nerdsense Snifters
Notes: Bright was created to be a clean and elegant showcase for one of our favorite hops – Mosaic! Bright’s aroma is a cornucopia of citrus dank… The taste follows suit with notes of grapefruit, sweet berries, and clementine with a gentle orange rind finish. She is dry, soft, deceptively juicy and adequately bittered resulting in a very approachable yet pungent Double IPA. (7.8%)
Rating: 4.5/5

Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #147 Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout vs Weyerbacher Sunday Morning Stout

It’s a Nerdsense Drinks Blind Versus Battle! We’ve got one of the most well known in the left corner, Founders KBS! In the right corner we have a true contender to throne, Weyerbacher SMS!

You may be asking yourself, “But Shaun, Mike hate’s stouts with coffee, he won’t like that shit”. You are correct! This is why we have our good friend Corey guesting with me!

Mike was kind enough to pour these for us so we can go in blind!

Weyerbacher Sunday Morning Stout

Style: Barrel Aged Imperial Stout with Coffee
Container: 12oz Bottle
Glassware: 4oz snifters
Notes: Aromas of roasted coffee and bourbon awaken your senses while their flavors blend with hints of chocolate, roasted malt, vanilla and caramel. The perfect cap to a Saturday night or start to Sunday morning.(12.7%)

Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout

Style: Barrel Aged Imperial Stout with Coffee and Chocolate
Container: 12oz Bottle
Glassware: 4oz snifters
Notes: What we’ve got here is an imperial stout brewed with a massive amount of coffee and chocolates, then cave-aged in oak bourbon barrels for an entire year to make sure wonderful bourbon undertones come through in the finish. Makes your taste buds squeal with delight. (11.8%)

Scores can be found in the YouTube link. It’s alot harder to not spoil it in the WordPress post.

You can find Corey at the below links!


Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #144 Treehouse Julius

Choo Choo…all aboard the hype train! We’ve finally got our hands on some Julius!

Style: DIPA
Container: 16oz Can
Glassware: Treehouse Teku’s
Notes: Bursting with pungent American hops, Julius – our flagship American IPA – is a bright, juicy beer filled with flavors and aromas of mango, peach, passionfruit, and a melange of citrus juice. A soft, pillowy mouthfeel and rounded bitterness ensure Julius will never tire the palate – a true joy to drink! (6.8%)
Rating: 4.5/5