Episode 58 – The King of the Wicker People

Thanks for joining us for another week on the Road to Dawn of Justice! This week Mike and I dive deep into Tim Burton’s little noir flick from 1989, Batman!

Blame Shaun if you’re falling asleep because he led us down the beat by beat rabbit hole but he promises he won’t do that for the remainder of this Batman inspired road trip!


Sam Smith India Ale

Style: India Pale Ale
 550ml Bottle
Sam Smith Pub Glass and a Guinness glass
Notes: Nose: Sweet malt.  Taste: Smoother than expected. Nice bitter and sweet balance
Overall Nerdsense Rating: Nose
: 3.5/5

Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout

Style: Oatmeal Stout
 550ml Bottle
Sam Smith Pub Glass and a Guinness glass
Notes: Nose: Malt and sourish. Taste: sweet malt, smokey which I don’t think is to be expected
Overall Nerdsense Rating: Nose
: 2.5/5

Nerdsense Drinks – Episode 11 – Breakside IPA

What?!?!! Two Nerdsense Drinks episodes in one week?! I know it’s crazy but we felt with Beer Advocate’s Extreme Beer Fest coming up this week, we would release two videos.

In this episode of Nerdsense Drinks we review Breakside’s IPA.  Breakside Brewery is out of Portland, OR and we can thank Mike’s good buddy Spencer for sending this to us to try.


Breakside Brewing IPA

Style: India Pale Ale
 22oz Bomber
Firestone Walker Tulip, Spiegelau Tulip and Balloon Glass
Overall Nerdsense Rating:
Notes: Look: Burnt orange Nose: Sweet malt, grapefruit, pine. Taste: Good hop and malt balance. crisp and easy on the palate .

Nerdsense Drinks – Episode 10 – Night Shift Morph Batch 01\21\2016

As promised, here is our review of the last batch from Night Shifts rotating IPA series, Morph! This batch was canned on 01/21/2016 and it’s delicious! Hopefully we can grab a 4 pack of the 02/02/2016 batch to review as well!


Night Shift Morph – Batch 01/21/2016

Style: IPA
Container: 16oz Can
Firestone Walker Tulip and Spiegelau Pilsner Tulip
Notes: Look: Hazy unfiltered, yellow sunshine. Nose: Pineapple, citrus, tropical fruit explosion Taste: Clean finish. Sweet with the tropical fruits. Citrus and pine
Overall Nerdsense Rating: 4.75/5

Episode 57 – You’ll Believe Mike and Shaun Can Fly

Welcome to the first episode in our Road to Dawn of Justice series!

You’d have to be as tough and strong as Superman to get through the technical difficulties your humble hosts went through to get this brand spankin’ new episode to your mobile devices. Luckily, they learned everything they needed to know from the Man of Steel himself, in his 1978 major motion picture debut.

They pick apart the film and tell you what they liked and didn’t like, and they do it with humor and reverence. It’s the first step on their march toward BvS, and while they may stumble drunkenly, they’ll get you there, and you’ll be more knowledgeable because of it.

Sprinkle in a few tidbits of nerd news and last weeks episode of The Flash and you have your weekly dose of Nerdsense!



Night Shift Morph – Batch 01/21/2016

Style: IPA
Container: 16oz Can
Firestone Walker Tulip and Spiegelau Pilsner Tulip
You’ll have to wait and check out the VideoCast which will be out on Thursday to hear about this one when it hits our YouTube channel!

Alameda Yellow Wolf Imperial IPA

Style: Imperial IPA
Container: 22oz Bomber
Firestone Walker Tulip and Spiegelau Pilsner Tulip
You’ll have to wait and check out the VideoCast to hear about this one when it hits our YouTube channel!

Rock Art Limited Access

Style: Double IPA
 16oz Can
Firestone Walker Tulip and Spiegelau Pilsner Tulip
Overall Nerdsense Rating:
 Not as good as Rock Arts other offerings, the nose smells a lot better than the taste but it still beats out other non Vermont DIPA’s

Nerdsense Drinks – Barley Mow Brewing The Unkindness

Thanks to Larry for providing us with a new Florida brew to try! This is from Barley Mow Brewing and is their Unkindness Black Ale!

Style: Black Ale
12oz Can
Spiegelau Snifter and Firestone Walker Tulip
Notes: Nose: Chocolate, berries and minor grapefruit, hops. Coffee is muted on the nose Taste: Burnt coffee, hop bitterness on the back of the mouth. Grapefruit is not there at all.
Overall Nerdsense Rating
: 2.75/5 — Mike didn’t think it was very balanced and the burnt malt was very overwhelming and you lose a lot of the flavors

Episode 56 – Road to Dawn of Justice

And DC comes out swinging!

This week we got an overabundance of DC beamed into our television sets, and your humble hosts are here to let you know all about it.

You’re gonna hear all about the Dawn of the Justice League television special and, logically, the brand new trailer for the upcoming Suicide Squad.

Also, there’s a brand new show that just debuted on CW called Legends of Tomorrow, and brand new episodes of Arrow and The Flash. And unlike Kevin Smith, we watched ’em all.

Finally, we outline our own “road to BvS,” so you’ll be getting plenty of DC content over the next couple months. Check out the MOSTLY concrete schedule below!


Also, let’s take a blast from the past and go back to the first two Nerdsense episodes! Episode 1 was our commentary of Tim Burton’s Batman and Episode 2 was our commentary of the 1966 Batman: The Movie! Check them out at the links below! Keep in mind these were our first two episodes to audio quality is not as good as it is today!


Arcade Brewing Grapefruit IPA

Style: IPA
 22oz Bomber
Spiegelau Pilsner Tulip and Firestone Walker Tulip
** Shameless Plug! You’ll have to wait and check out the VideoCast to hear about this one when it hits our YouTube channel in a couple of weeks!

Foley Brothers Fair Maden Imperial IPA

Style: Double IPA
Container: 22oz Bomber
Firestone Walker Tulip and Spiegelau Pilsner Tulip
Overall Nerdsense Rating:
Notes: Nose: Sweet malt and caramel. Taste: Fruity, has some juiciness but not like other Vermont IPAs

Nerdsense Drinks – Episode 8 – Stone Arrogant vs Oaked Arrogant Bastard

The boys pit two Bastards side by side! The mighty Stone Arrogant Bastard vs Stone Oaked Arrogant Bastard! Who will be the winner? Watch and find out!



Stone Arrogant Bastard

Style: Strong Ale
 22oz Bomber
Spiegelau Snifter and Firestone Walker Tulip
Notes: Nose: Malty  caramel with apricot, boozy. Mike got “sewage” or bad water” Taste: Better beers have come since this.  Taste: Malt and caramel comes through as it did on the nose. There are hops for sure. 
Overall Nerdsense Rating
: 3.50/5 — We were thrown off by how much our tastes have changed given this was one of the craft beers that got us really loving it.


Stone Oaked Arrogant Bastard

Style: Strong Ale
 22oz Bomber
Spiegelau Snifter and Firestone Walker Tulip
Notes: Nose: Oak (obviously), maple which adds sweetness on top of bourbon. Taste: Smooth and balanced. Sweetness and mellow compared to the normal Arrogant
Overall Nerdsense Rating: Nose
: 4.25/5


**BLEND** (Shaun’s favorite part!) 4/5!

You lose the oak and it kind of makes the regular Arrogant a little more smooth and tasty


Episode 55 – Nerdsense Drinks Vol. 1

We’re putting some video in your ears but there is no video, it’s just audio! We’ve put together our first two Nerdsense Drinks episodes for those who didn’t have a chance to check out the video! We’d recommend you still check out the videos as the reviews are more visual but you should still be able to laugh and listen along if that’s what you like!

El Segundo Power Plant Triple IPA

Style: Triple IPA
 22oz Bomber
Smuttynose Balloon Glasses
Overall Nerdsense Rating:

Sam Adams Rebel Raw

Style: Double IPA
 16oz Bomber
Spiegelau IPA Glasses
Overall Nerdsense Rating:

Episode 54 – No News means Beer News

It’s a slow news week in regards to nerdy things but that doesn’t stop Mike and Shaun from trekking through and discussing some upcoming beer fests and brewery tours. They scrape together a bit of nerd talk but for the most part this is a fairly beer centric conversation.

Sit back, pop open a cold one and hit play!

Stone & Sierra Nevada NXS

Style: Double IPA
 22oz Bomber
Firestone Walker Tulip and Tulip
Overall Nerdsense Rating:
Notes: Look – Golden, filtered. Nose – tropical, piny and malty. Not as exciting for something you’d expect from a Stone and Sierra collab. Taste – smooth, clean, juniper berry, bitter


Tomoka Brewing Oceanside White IPA

Style: IPA
 12oz Can
Firestone Walker Tulip and Tulip
Overall Nerdsense Rating:
Notes:Look – Golden, sort of unfiltered, good head retention Nose – Lemon and other citrus.  Taste – sweet but still some good hop character with little bitterness