Nerdsense Listens – Episode 2 – The Tale of the Wrestler and the Rapper

Holy shit shaft Batman!! A new Nerdsense Listens?! This can’t be right, there hasn’t even been a regular Nerdsense in 3 weeks!!!

I know, we’re just as shocked as you! As I mentioned on the Social  Mediaz, we are getting some new equipment and while testing it we decided to do an impromptu episode of Listens due to the shorter length than a normal Nerdsense.

Before you ask, no, this was not recorded using the new equipment as the testing didn’t go as well as we had hoped. The new equipment will debut on the next Nerdsense Podcast which should be recorded this upcoming Wednesday!

In the meantime let Mike and I tell you about a band fronted by a wrestler and a metal band fronted by a rap star! Your faces will most likely melt off.

Body Count – Manslaughter 

Fozzy – Do You Wanna Start A War?

Yes, you read those right. Ice-T’s BODY MOTHER FUCKING COUNT and Chris Jericho’s little metal band, Fozzy.

Your ears will be pleasantly surprised, trust us


Josh also joined us at Nerdsense HQ to chime in a few times on his dislike of both albums. He didn’t care for them very much.


21st Amendment Down to Earth

Stone Pale Ale 2.0

Harpoon Summer Beer

Episode 33 – Heady Topper vs Sip of Sunshine: 100% No Bullshit

Yeah… This is a continuous tangent. We started talking about beer… Tried talking about movies… And it was all beer. We culminated with a no holds barred face-off between Sip Of Sunshine and Heady Topper. Listen in to see who won. Mike’s brother, Josh, joins the Nerdsense crew once again in this battle royale of IPA madness.


Night Shift One Hop: Galaxy

Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA

Lawson’s Sip of Sunshine

The Alchemist Heady Topper

Half Acre Daisy Cutter

Episode 32 – Did you think you broke it?

Jason’s back in the Nerd Den and the conversation almost instantly goes to self pleasuring. Figures.

We discuss the Game of Thrones finale and Batman films that never made it into production, Batman Unleashed, Batman Beyond and Darren Afronsky’s Batman Year One.

We also open this months Loot Crate live on air!

As always, we embarrass ourselves verbally for your amusement!!


Throwback Carrie On

Firestone Walker Stickee Monkey (2015)

Sam Adams Porch Rocker

Also, here is the picture that took us like 15 minutes to take


Nerdsense Brew Day!

Mike and I finally brewed our first 5 Gallon batch of Ferocious IPA!  We were supposed to brew this a few weeks ago but didn’t have enough time so we opted to do another 1 gallon batch.

Since this was our first 5 gallon batch, we chose not to record during the process in order to make sure we did everything correctly.

Don’t worry though, we’ll be back next Friday to fill your ears with nerdy news!



I’ve been skeptical about “true” wearable devices since the first Pebble was announced. I guess that wasn’t the first “true” wearable. That would probably be the calculator watch, right? The first wearable device that would allow you to look at 80085 with a flick of your wrist!

Anyways, for the sake of argument, we’ll say the Pebble was the first wearable to sort of start the wearable boom so to speak.

I’ve had a Pebble for the last tow years now. I never really understood it or wanted one but my parents asked me what I wanted for Christmas one year, so I threw it on a Amazon wish list not thinking much of it.

Well Christmas came and I was the proud owner of a black Pebble. At the time I had both a Android, Nexus 5, and a iPhone 5 for work. I was using the iPhone primarily and mixed it with personal so I initially connected the Pebble to the iPhone. Trying to find 3rd party applications was a chore and upon some googling, I found that Android offered a better selection due to Google being more open with Android. I switched the watch over to my Nexus 5 and immediately found some applications that suited my needs.

It should be noted that all of this was happening prior to Pebble 2.0 which introduced its own App Store so you had to install all Pebble Apps from Google Play directly. During this time period, 3rd party applications were necessary for a lot of the features that we know and love from Pebble 2.0.

The Pebble isn’t the most pleasing on the eyes but I sort of liked being to read notifications without taking out my phone to determine if it’s worth reaching all the way into my pocket to take my phone out.

I probably used the Pebble for close to a year and fell in love. When Android Wear was announced, I knew I needed to try it out. It was like the Pebble but with a color screen and a few more nice bells and whistles.

I ended up getting one of the first Android Wear devices around launch, the Samsung Galaxy Gear Live. It had the same rubber band and rectangular look of the Pebble but the face was silver so it made it a little more elegant looking. I ordered it directly from Google Play so I had 14 days t o see if it could replace my Pebble.

I really liked the color screen and the ability to swipe away notifications vs pressing physical buttons. I could talk to it as well but other than that, there wasn’t much my Pebble didn’t already do. Well, the Pebble could do battery a lot better than the Galaxy Gear. I could go days without charging the Pebble but the Gear required me to charge it daily.

Alas, I opted to return the Galaxy Gear Live as I just couldn’t justify spending $200 on something that looked so similar to the Pebble. Another big reason was I was waiting for the Moto 360. Now, this was the Android Wear watch that everyone wanted. It was part of the initial announcement but kept getting delayed.

For the folk who don’t know what these watches look like, I’ve included pictures of all 3 below.


Moto 360
Galaxy Gear Live






Come on! How sexy is the Moto 360!? It’s not as sexy in person I’m afraid. It’s still nice but nothing compared to the now premium Android Wear Watch, LG Watch Urbane

LG Watch Urbane

I ordered the Moto 360 ($229) AND a LG Watch Urbane ($350) last month after returning the Galaxy Gear Live almost a year ago. I ordered both because Amazon’s return policy is outstanding and knew I could test both and choose one to keep.

Both watches were both leaps and bounds superior to the Samsung Galaxy Gear Live but the LG Watch Urbane just has the look and feel of a real watch. I know it was over $100 more but it added some class AND the watch bands were compatible with any normal watch band so I picked up a $10 22mm steel band. Now I sort of had two different looks.

So, needless to say I returned the Moto 360 and trucked on with the LG Watch Urbane. I found myself actually utilizing it more than my Pebble. I was constantly using it reply to text messages and emails via its built-in microphone. This worked swimmingly.With the Pebble, you can only do canned responses such as yes, no, ok etc..

It was just a lot easier to navigate vs the Pebble thanks to the touchscreen not to mention the watch faces were extremely elegant looking, pretty much mimicking the watch face of some of the big name watch makers.

The one downside was this watch was still $350. The most expensive Android Wear device. Did it do a few more things than my Pebble? Yep. Is it prettier than my Pebble? Most Definitely! Is it easier to use the UI? Double Yep.

I returned the LG Watch Urbane yesterday. As my Amazon return period got closer and closer, the more and more I felt the need to return it. It had nothing to do with Android Wear, it was the price tag. I cannot justify a $350 smartwatch when the one I currently have does the same. Am I done with Android Wear? No way. I plan on checking out the Asus Zen Watch ($179) or wait for the Zen Watch 2 in Q3. I’ve also seen a refurbished LG G Watch on Ebay for $50 which I may pull the trigger on. The LG G Watch was a launch device and looks almost identical to the Pebble but $50 for an upgrade? We’ll see.

I’m definitely stuck on the wearable wagon. I’m a techy, I like being able to look at my wrist and see a text from Mike and realizing he’s a “big bitch” so I won’t waste my time taking my phone out. However, right now I’m going to stick with my bland and toy-like Pebble that has never failed me. I’m not going to lie when I packed up the LG Watch Urbane and charged my Pebble and put it back on, it felt like putting on an old pair of comfortable sneakers or jeans. It just felt right.

I do still like Android Wear but I guess I’m just going to have to wait for one that catches my eye for a reasonable price.

This wouldn’t be a wearables article without mentioning the elephant in the room, Apple Watch. I haven’t played with one but I’ve spoken to someone who had one and it’s nice. If I had an iPhone still, I would probably get one. That being said, the rumor is Android Wear will soon support iOS.

Right now, there doesn’t seem to be much functionality difference between Android Wear and watchOS. If Android Wear does come to iOS then it will give users not one alternative but 10 alternatives due to Android Wear being open thus allowing multiple manufacturers to design watches.

The big thing with Android Wear vs normal Android is Google is keeping Android Wear as just that, Android Wear. The watch manufacturers cannot tweak Android Wear like they do with their versions of Android. This means your experience will be the same across all devices just the watchOS.

Anyways, enough ranting and raving. That’s it for now folks! Hope you enjoyed the first “re-launched” Nerdsense blog post!



Episode 31 – Top 10 Comic Book Movies

This week we’re joined by Josh!

We go on another tirade about the awesomeness of the Christmas Tree Shop but not as long as last time.

The big topic of this episode is the Nerdsense Top 10 Comic Book Movies!

We saw a list a week or so ago on Screencrush that was WRONG. Yes, I said it, the list is WRONG and that is not our opinion but us speaking the truth.

Below is the link to the Screen Crush list so you can see for yourself.

Without further ado…

Nerdsense Top 10 Comic Book Movies

In no particular order

  • Watchmen
  • Nolan’s Batman Trilogy (not cheating)
  • Batman ’89
  • X-Men Days of Future Past
  • Avengers
  • Captain America: Winter Soldier
  • Ironman
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Superman ’78
  • 300
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ’90 (Honorary)
  • Dredd (Honorary)


Hill Farmstead Legitimacy

Nerdsense IPA (Hardcore IPA Clone) BOTTLE BOMB

Alchemist Heady Topper

Two Roads Unorthodox

Finch’s Hardcore Chimera

Episode 30 – The Christmas Tree Shop Has Dumb Toys

There is ALOT going on in this episode. I know Mike and I promised a BIG BIG episode 30 to make up for our lackluster episode 25 and I think we kind of did it!

Two of the beers we drank were EXTREMELY great and hard to get so it worked for what we wanted. EPICNESS. We also spent a good 30 minutes talking about the Christmas Tree Shop. We knew wanted something different with Episode 30 and Christmas Tree Shop talks is VERY different.

We still discuss some nerdy topics though! These topics include:

  • Batman spotted on the Suicide Squad set!
  • Stephen Amell wrestling on the WWE as Arrow!?
  • Deadpool Wraps!
  • Superhero Beatdown – Green Ranger Vs Ryu

As usual, complete nerdy nonsense!


Hill Farmstead Harlan –

Nerdsense Oatmeal Stout – No Untappd yet – Kind of ehh

The Alchemist Heady Topper –

Episode 29 – Legends of Ultron!

We’re back after a couple of week hiatus. Mike and I were both traveling but we’ve had some time to let Age of Ultron digest and we’re ready to tell you all our nerdy little thoughts. Mikes brother from the same mother, Josh, joins us for the third in the Nerd Den!

Mike and I also bottled the Oatmeal Stout we brewed during our last episode. I’m afraid it didn’t ferment enough or at all… We’ll see how it comes out in a week or two.


Revolution Eugene Porter –

Night Shift Belafonte –

Otter Creek Black IPA –

Woodstock Brewery 4000 Footer IPA –

Episode 28 – Brewing in the Wind!

Another brew day for Shaun and Mike which brings us another disjointed podcast!

We brew a Nerdsense Oatmeal Stout this week and record a podcast at the same time!! Oh the humanity! No set topics other than Batman himself being spotted on the Suicide Squad set!

Everything is off the cuff and it’s hot…well not really, we really just talk about Star Trek, Battlestar and boxing but we do it from a couch so that’s kinda hot, right?


Half Acre Senita –

Half Acre Daisy Cutter –

Revolution Anti-Hero IPA –

3 Floyds Yum Yum –

Podcast Feeds

Hello fellow nerds!

We have made a few changes to the cast feeds. Some of you may have already noticed this.

The original feed that most of you probably have in your podcast app has been renamed to Nerdsense All Casts. This feed will allow you to access all the AMAZING Nerdsense Podcasts in 1 feed! The original Nerdsense!, Listens! and Plays! in one place! A nerdtastic overload to say the least!

If for some reason you don’t want your feed cluttered with all 3 podcasts then you can subscribe to each one individually using the below links


Regular ole RSS

Nerdsense Listens!

Regular ole RSS

Nerdsense Plays!

Some of you may be wondering what happened to Nerdsense Plays? Jason and I hit a few technical difficulties that we are in the process of ironing out and hope to have the first episode in the next week or so. Once it’s posted and we’ll be sure to post the links here!


