Episode 1 – Tim Burton’s Batman

This is the first episode of the Nerdsense Podcast. It is a commentary of Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman film. We let the listener know when and where they should start the film if they would like to listen while watching. We recommend lowering the volume of the film’s audio track as to not interfere with the volume of the commentary track.

Welcome…welcome back?

Hi Everyone,

Welcome back to the fully migrated WordPress site. The site design is still a work in progress as is the templates used for the posts. I’m still trying to wrap my head around web design again and figuring things out. So bare with me while I work out the kinks.

Eventually I hope the site will be transformed into more than just beer reviews. Plans are to cover all things nerdy and that make “nerd sense”



Beer of the Month Club Batch #2

Lancaster Milk Stout
Brewery: Lancaster Brewing Co.
Style: Milk Stout
Glass: Guinness type pint glass
Look: Dark with a brownish creamy head
Smell: Chocolate, Malt, burnt and roasted coffee
Taste: Roasted coffee, toffee, little bit of a chocolate. Slight sour note. Carbonated
Aftertaste: that after cup of coffee taste

Really enjoyed this but as most of you may know, I really enjoy a good Stout. This really had that good burnt coffee and toffee flavor.
4/5 mugs

Duke of Wellington Pale Ale
Brewery: Granite City Food & Brewery
Style: English Indian Pale Ale
Glass:Sam Adams perfect pint glass
Look:Amber light with a fizzy head
Smell:Malty, apricots, and almost alcohol like flavor
Taste: Caramel, malty and bitter
Didn’t really care for this beer. It was kind of bland but not in the good way you would expect from a English ale.
Wolters Fest Beir
Brewery: Hofbrauhaus Wolters
Style: Marzen
Glass:Pilsner Glass
Look: Very Translucent amber with decent head
Smell:German malts and honey
Taste:Caramel, malty,  end is kind of puckers lightly carbonated, sort of creamy

Easy to drink.  I enjoy a good OktoberfestMarzen. I would say I’m a little spoiled after sampling a lot while in Germany for 3 weeks last year. This was very drinkable but I wouldn’t say it’s anything special. I actually like Wolters Pilsner more and I’m not a big pilsner guy.
Wolters Pilsner
Brewery: Hofbrauhaus Wolters
Style: German Pilsner
Glass: Pilsner
Look: small head with a golden crisp carbonated look
Smell: malty with grassy notes. small amount of hops
Taste: very light and crisp. Almost sweet with just the perfect amount of carbonation. Great for a nice hot day

Now I’ve never been much of a Pilsner guy. I pretty much turned it down for a week straight while in Germany until one night we ran out of Marzen so we had to pop open the growler of Pils. Since then I have started to open up more to pilasters but haven’t really found any that caught my eye. I actually really enjoyed this one. I could see myself drinking a few of these on a warm day.


Beer of the Month Club Batch #1

Beer of the Month Club Batch #1


*Note: I think some of these may have been tainted due to me using the dishwasher for my beer glasses. Think it gave each beer a weird tinny flavor. I have since started hand washing all my beer glasses

Slick Nick Winter Ale
Brewery: Sebago Brewing Company
Style: American Strong Ale
Glass: Cognac glass
Look: Amber translucent pour with a creamy head
Smell: Caramel and some hoppiness and spicy
Taste: Has an interesting hoppyspicy taste which coincided with the smell. Not much body. I felt this was kind of bland over all

I ended up only drinking one of these and letting others drink the other two. I guess this goes to show how I felt.
2/5 mugs

Black Boss Porter
Brewery: Boss Browar Witnica S.A
Style: Baltic Porter
Glass:Guinness pint glass
Look:Amber with rubyish color with about an inch head
Smell:Dark chocolate, caramel, coffeeespresso
Taste: Darkchocolate and malty. You can’t tell it’s a 9.4% ABV. Definitely drinkable
I really enjoyed thisbeer, so much so that I have been rationing them, I think there is still onehidden in the back of the fridge and haven’t let anyone else try it. Great afterdinner beer.
4/5 mugs
Brewery: Wychwood  Brewery Company
Style: English Strong Bitter
Glass:Pint glass
Look:Dark amberish. Head dissipated rather quickly. It was double the size of thebelow picture but quickly dropped.

Smell:Caramel with an almost maple like smell.
Taste:Subtly sweet with caramel and toffee flavors but still gives you the bitternessof a dark English ale
This was the only beer that I had before andrecognized. I have always thoroughly enjoyed this brew. Great English stylebitter.
Diamond Bear Pale Ale
Brewery: Diamond Bear Brewing Company
Style: English Pale Ale
*Note: I have mytasting notes labeled as Dales Pale Ale which never came in the beer of themonth packages,  My tasting notes kind ofmatch up with the brochure included blurb so there’s a chance I just had DalesPale Ale on my mind while drinking this.
Glass: NA
Look: Light copper colorwith decent sized head
Smell: sweet hoppy smell
Taste: Malty hoppiness
As you can see, Idon’t have much to say about this and to be honest I don’t even remember thisall that well to add on to my tasting notes. So I think it’s safe to say that Ididn’t enjoy this very much. If I mislabeled the note to be another pale ale, Iwas probably wish I was drinking a different pale ale.
?/5 mugs

Beer of the Month Club Pre Review

As all 3 of my readers know, i love me some good beer. None of that piss water for this guy.

My girlfriend signed up up for the Beer of the Month club as a Christmas present this year. It’s good for 6 months. They send you 12 bottles of 4 different kinds of beers, both domestic and international each month. They also include a pretty nifty newsletter explaining each beerbrewery as well as advertising their other “monthly” clubs.

I figured this may be a good time to actually start using this blog again. So my idea is to do a new blog post for each set. The first should come at some point later today or this week. I’m actually already behind and still haven’t finished all of the first batch and the second is waiting to be tasted. So hopefully I can catch up and do this monthly.

Android Envy

DISCLAIMER: I’m not an english major just a tech geek

Not sure if this is the best way to start my blog, but this has motivated me enough to actually make it my first post so I guess that’s a good thing.

Let me start by saying I get really excited over new pieces of technology, whether it be laptops, netbooks, cell phones, media streams etc…

Now I can’t afford to buy every new toy that hits the market so I usually end up obsessing over one thing and eventually end up pulling the trigger.

For example, I bought a Dell 9 Mini around August; did I need another computer? No, not really. Was it going to do what anything my Macbook, Desktop and work T400 couldn’t do? Probably not. I wasn’t buying it for performance but for portability. I was going on a cruise and didn’t want to lug my Macbook or T400 with me. So that’s that.

This blog post isn’t about my netbook as you can tell from the title. This post is about my 3 days with Google’s “Superphone”; Nexus One.

As most of the people reading this you know I love my iPhone but I’ve had this unhealthy obsession with Google’s Android Operating System which lead to me reading to many articles to count from reviews, comparisons, enterprise usability and whatever else was out there on it. I used to get super giddy whenever someone around me had an Android device. I would DEMAND the ability to play with it. I usually only got to play with it for a few minutes but I always came away from it happy and wondering what it would be like to switch teams but wasn’t ready to switch phone carriers again. I only played with a G1 and Droid, 2 opposite ends of the Android spectrum but still came away with “that was pretty awesome”.

So Google released the Nexus One in January for T-Mobile only, I don’t count that you could use it on AT&T Edge (useless), and it was thrown into the iPhone killer category. I checked every tech site imaginable for information for a version of the Nexus One compatible with AT&T 3G and after months of scouring it finally happened. Google released a Nexus One for AT&T on March 16th. I purchased it on March 17th (technically 2AM March 18th) after 12 hour stint at the pub celebrating St. Patricks day. Was this my silliest drunken purchase? No way. Was it the most expensive? Yes, yes it was. Thanks to Google for offering free overnight shipping and screw you Google for offering free overnight shipping. I couldn’t cancel my $566 this was a good idea at the time purchase because by the time I arose the next morning it had already shipped.

Once I got over the initial shock of making a ridiculously expensive purchase under the influence of many cream ales and stouts I start to get excited. I came home from work on Friday night and immediately unboxed it. I had to fully charge the phone before use, sure I could have just used it after half a charge but I didn’t want to hose the battery out of the box. I kept checking the amber light hoping it would turn green so I could play with it but after 30 minutes it never changed. A little research informed me that the initial charge can take 1-4 hours so I decided to head out for a few hours.

I arrived home some hours later and took the SIM card out of my iPhone and popped it into the Nexus One, turned on the phone, pressed the green Android button and inputted my Google credentials. I entered into Google’s world.

I only downloaded a handful of apps and played around with the interface for an hour or so before hitting the hay.

Saturday was first full day with the phone. I really wish this next section didn’t sound so negative but here we go.


The touchscreen was going in and out, I would hit one key and it would register a key not even close to it. This happened with the keyboard as well as menu items and icons. I’m a textaholic and I found myself trying to stay away from typing as much as possible since it felt like a chore and took forever.

A quick search on the Android forum let me know that I was not alone. This was an issue since the original T-Mobile Nexus One was released in January and Google still hasn’t fixed it. Their workaround? “soft reset”. HTC, the manufacturer, is saying it’s software and not their issue, Google won’t give a definite response as to why this occurs. This was my first uh-oh moment.

The second came from something I recall reading weeks before the AT&T version was announced. HTC has said that people forget that the phone isn’t supposed to go in pockets. What the shit?! I’m pretty sure that’s where most put their phones. I feel like I have to baby the thing and keep it closely guarded in its included neoprene case. I don’t feel like I am really putting it through the tests as I normally would since I have 14 days to return the thing. I can’t root it or install other ROM’s on it or it will void my warranty. Ya, I babied my iPhone when I first got it but the notion of returning it never crossed my mind so I just “used” it.

Android Marketplace

I’m pretty neutral when it comes to the Androids app store. People always say Apple has 100,000 apps and Google has 10,000. Ok? How many fart apps do you need? I’m sure there are a few niche apps that are on one and not the other but all in all it’s pretty solid.

The only issues I really have with their apps are minimal at best. I miss Tweetdeck for iPhone but that’s just a convenience thing.

The Android Mail app, not to be confused with their excellent Gmail app, is what I use to link my work Exchange email account. It uses Active Sync but it just doesn’t seem as slick as Exchange on the iPhone. Also, no calendar sync ability.


The phone unlock pattern is kind of a joke too. You create a pattern and basically play connect the dots to unlock the phone. This is extremely insecure. Prime example; I let a co-worker take a look at my phone today and it locked while he was looking at it. He unlocked it without asking me to do it. He did so without staring directly at the phone.

There are two factors that make the secure unlock on this phone totally useless. My co-worker could easily see me trace my unlock pattern since it lights up the fucking pattern in HOT GREEN. You don’t have to stand over someones shoulder to see it, you can catch it out of the corner of your eye then use the 2nd part I am about to speak about to unlock anyone’s phone.

The 2nd was pointed out to me and didn’t notice it until today. You could easily see the pattern emblazoned on the screen with my finger prints. Tilt the screen in a certain light and you could trace anyone’s unlock code. Granted, this could be thwarted with a screen shield that doesn’t leave fingerprints but why have the unlock pattern at all? Is it supposed to be cool? Did they not want to copy Apple with a passcode? I’m sure you could still argue you can see fingerprints on the iPhones screen but you’re not tracing your 4 digit passcode over and over again.

Inevitable iPhone comparison

This phone just doesn’t do anything my jailbroken iPhone 3G can’t. I can background apps, update twitter, facebook. Yes, its alot faster and the screens prettier but other than that it just isn’t worth the price to switch. I can do everything on my iPhone that I can do on the Nexus One, a little slower but it still works. If I really cared about speed I would’ve upgraded to a 3GS but I think I can wait until June to see what Mr. Jobs unveils.

This posted isn’t meant to deter people from Android, if I was still on Verizon I would have be a proud Droid owner. I’m sure alot of this is partially due to the hardware itself but my only other Android options on AT&T are the back flip running Android 1.6 or importing the Motorola Milestone (Droid for GSM) from Canada for $600+. I’m sure I would still feel like I spent $600 to give me the new toy feeling but not really gaining new functionality.

Android is probably great for some but right now at version 2.1 it’s not for me. I’ll stick with my iPhone for now. I’m looking forward to see where Google takes Android and finally gets it “there”. Google now has the Droid, Nexus One and soon to be Desire and Incredible. I’ll still be keeping a close eye on whatever they do with the OS.

Will be contacting HTC tomorrow to initiate a refund. Thanks for reading my postrant!