Nerdsense Drinks & No Hype Beer Reviews – #456 River Horse Mocha Lisa

The final video we’ll be posting from Beertubeapalooza but don’t forget to check out Kyle, Mat and Joe’s channels for more

Shout out to Joe, formely of NEPA Beer Reviews, for bringing this and most importantly…tossing this beer on the beans!
Style: Imperial Porter
Container: 16oz can
Notes: An imperial porter brewed with oats, lactose, vanilla, and cocoa, then aged on Ugandan coffee beans.(9%)

Nerdsense Drinks – #453 Omniopollo Omnipolloscope #5 (Trillium & Other Half batches)

Style: Triple IPA
Container: 2 x 16oz can
Glassware: Sample Glasses
Notes: Part of Omnipollo’s biggest collaborative event Omnipolloscope, a synchronized global release two year in the making, collab with Omnipollo, Monkish, Other Half, Crooked Stave, O/O , Stigbergets, Anchorage, Equilibrium, Cellarmaker and The Veil . (10%)

Nerdsense Drinks – #450 Jack’s Abby Cocoa-Nut BA Framinghammer

Style: BBA Imperial Porter
Container: 500ml Bottle
Glassware: Hardywood GBS Stemless
Notes: Big, bold, black, and aged in bourbon barrels with coconut and cocoa nibs. The lengthy conditioning period in the barrels creates a silky smooth chocolatey mouth feel enhanced by the use of oats and brown sugar. Noticeable sweetness gets balanced by roasted malt and hop bitterness. Additional flavors include bourbon, vanilla, and oak.(11.5%)

Nerdsense Drinks – #448 The Bruery So Happens its Tuesday (2018 Vintage)

Style: Imperial Stout
Container: 750ml
Glassware: Sample Glasses
Notes: The infamous Black Tuesday style is named in honor of the great stock market crash of 1929. So Happens It’s Tuesday is similarly dark and delicious, but in a more affable format, reminding us that there is always a bit of good to be found within the bad. Things happen, and life goes on(15%)