Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #375 Flying Monkeys Chocolate Manifesto

Style: Imperial Milk Stout
Container: 500ml
Glassware: Nerdsense Snifters
Notes:Are three kinds of chocolate overkill in this sweet stout? Heck no. Not with 10% abv cupping all that rich cacao in it’s beautiful warmth. The magic number is 3. Lactose sweetness gives The Manifesto the heavenly body of a Milk Stout and the indulgence we crave in chocolate. The Chocolate Manifesto creates one of those rare “exbeeriences” of decadence and transcendence(10%)

Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #374 Trillium Night & Day (Vanilla & Toasted Pecan)

Go Pats!

Style: Imperial Stout
Container: 750ml
Glassware: The Streets
Decadent chocolate covered turtles, pecan pralines, and toffee-nut brownies layer the palate with luxurious and rich flavors underpinned by smooth, rounded coffee presence. With a thick yet soft mouthfeel and velvety carbonation Vanilla and Toasted Pecan Night & Day has a roasty and balanced finish. (12.7%)

Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #371 Other Half & Sand City Double Infinity Daydream

Style: Imperial IPA
Container: 16oz can
Glassware: Nerdsense Snifters
Notes: Collaboration with Sand City. Takes our mash up of All Green Everything and Sand City’s Infinity -2 + ONE and gives it the Daydream treatment. Citra, Mosaic, Amarillo, Motueka plus a healthy extra dose of Galaxy.(8.5%)

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