Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #52 Night Shift Truman

This is the latest offering in Night Shift’s Presidential DIPA series! Is it relaunch of the series since there was a large gap between their last one and Roosevelt? Would Truman technically be considered #2 in the relaunch? Eh, it’s beer…so we drink it!   Style: Double IPA Container: 16oz Can Glassware: 2016 Barrel Society Snifters Notes: (From Website) […]

Nerdsense Episode 80 – No More Titles!

On the latest episode of Nerdsense, we have a brand new special guest: Reid Homer. We talk about anything and everything, including beer, BvS (again) and Kevin Smith. We even touch on some TV news which includes the CW DC Universe as well as Lifetime movies! (We’re not kidding) There’s not a lot of structure, but, rest […]